
Mojo 4 Online Sale

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Mojo 4

Ibis Mojo 4

The word Mojo refers to a magic spell or charm, and more broadly, a magical power. Since its introduction in 1994, the Mojo has delivered a wicked combination of fun and all-mountain prowess.



  • The Mojo V4 fea­tures a 76.6-degree, get-you-up-that-hill seat tube angle, our short­est chain­stays, and a spa­cious reach with a 65.4-degree head­tube angle. This enchant­i­ng com­bi­na­tion rolls on 27.5″ wheels to deliv­er that hov­er­bike feel with on-trail confidence.


  • Since 2005, we’ve part­nered with sus­pen­sion guru, Dave Weagle, on the dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form. It pro­vides an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of climb­ing effi­cien­cy and down­hill per­for­mance, which has been proven repeat­ed­ly at the high­est lev­els of racing.


  • Our cus­­tom-tuned sus­pen­sion fea­tures extra-light high-speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. When paired with our dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form, Trac­tion Tune allows the Mojo to track like a big bike with­out com­pro­mis­ing crisp ped­al­ing per­for­mance.


  • All four sizes have low stan­dover heights and short­ened seat tubes for long drop­per posts. Now you can choose your frame based on reach-rid­ers 5-feet tall eas­i­ly fit on a small and still enjoy a 125mm drop­per, while most medi­um and up rid­ers can enjoy a 185mm. All sizes fit a water bot­tle, and those look­ing to go packless can run our after­mar­ket Pork Chop bag.


  • Reduced-off­set forks give the front wheel greater sta­bil­i­ty at speed and an addi­tion­al sense of steadi­ness at slow speeds too. The Mojo is designed to excel in tech­ni­cal, demand­ing ter­rain, and the 37mm-off­set gives that extra bit of con­fi­dence and con­trol in the most chal­leng­ing situations.


  • The Mojo has clear­ance for 27.5″x2.6″ tires. You can run over­built, chunky tires; you can run light, big vol­ume fast tires, but what­ev­er you run, know that you’re not lim­it­ed by width.


  • Tired of hit­ting “pur­chase” on anoth­er set of bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That’s why we use bush­ings where they make sense, and bear­ings where they don’t. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter and stiffer than bear­ings and are vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strong­ly in them, we back them with a free life­time replacement.


  • All our bikes are built from the high­est-grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride per­for­mance-no mat­ter how much you spend. The Mojo weighs a svelte 5.9 lbs with an inline shock, and com­plete builds start at 26.7 lbs.


  • Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out, a beau­ti­ful moment indeed.


  • There if you want it, remov­able if you don’t.


  • A poly­car­bon­ate down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while mold­ed rub­ber swing arm pro­tec­tors keep things qui­et and clean. And, our sim­ple-yet-ele­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful.

    Tech Specs:

    • Frame- Mojo 4
    • Fork- Rock Shox Pike Ultimate RC2 140mm, 27.5″, 110×15
    • Rear Shock- Fox Float Factory Series, DPS with EVOL, 210 x 50 S/M: Light Tune, L/XL: Standard
    • Wheels- Select from the dropdown above
    • Tires- Front: Schwalbe Hans Dampf 27.5 x 2.6″ Addix Soft Super Trail
    • Rear- Schwalbe Nobby Nic 27.5 x 2.6″ Addix Speedgrip Super Trail
    • Bottom Bracket- Shimano XT MT800
    • Crankset- Shimano XT M8100, 30t Alloy Ring S/M: 170mm, L/XL: 175mm
    • Shifters- Shimano XT M8100, 12 speed
    • Rear Derailleur- Shimano XT M8100 Shadow Plus 12 speed
    • Cassette/Freewheel- Shimano XT, 10-51
    • Chain- Shimano XT M8100, 12 speed
    • Brakes- Shimano XT M8120, 4 piston
    • Rotors- Shimano SM-RT86, 180mm
    • Handlebars- Ibis 800mm Hi Fi Bar
    • Tape/Grips- Lizard Skin Charger
    • Stem- Industry Nine A318 S/M: 40mm, L/XL: 50mm
    • Headset- Cane Creek 40 ZS44/ZS56
    • Seatpost- Bike Yoke Revive Dropper S: 125mm, M: 160mm, L/XL: 185mm. Note there is a 250lb rider weight limit on this post.
    • Saddle- WTB Silverado 142
    • Pedals- Sold separately

    Part Number: M4C1BUSXTAL35

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